Archive for August 2024


waiting to leave this body the gift of life eternal the illusion share the fact

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to late the bus already left you can take the next one or if you want you can walk meanwhile here is a car

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took these drugs said they would either cause or prevent death a million dollar plan could be a billion or trillion what’ next thought you moved to someplace cold something about taxes a new identity fuck global heading into space

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she had a great weapon her very own arsenal complete with a telescope radar she no longer needs

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why would you leave how did you get so unhappy someone putting up a billboard i think on the road that i drive

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when you gonna fall asleep dream maybe write a play let characters speak for you dream for you pretend for you that this story is okay

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who stole the butcher’s milk the astrologer’s pen the sparkle in your eyes who turned the switch off

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goodness glazed

we need more bombs and guns more girls and boys to kill or be killed where’s the enemy who’s in charge of the lieutenant dreams of peace being blown up now i am sad turn everything into a doughnut shop she said with coffee served on wax paper with an extra finger to scrape off…

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