Archive for February 2021


should the writer be afraid of words.the fire people afraid of water,the junk bond dealer afraid of money. does the electrician fear for life around electricity. do pilots wave at flying objects,does the coroner smoke or drink.does the farmer grow pot,does the doctor drink green tea.what does the preacher say to jesus. meeting buddha under…

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care giver

care giver.when i was a care giver,i gave a care giver,you spend time with someone who is sick and likely is helpless,it is madness. words become useless.time became was a holiday,when you would drive me. slowly,you would no longer drive. by the time you knew it was over. and today i wonder.…

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leaving here for outer space left you a note on the refrigerator so when you get up and grab the cream you can read it if you want while you pet the cat

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pain revisited

on a sojourn all along just never knew busy vast amount of debt owned by a financial institution life is fucking difficult when laughing appears impossible busy on a sojourn watching the leaf fall never new waiting for the rest

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maybe there was more maybe not this is it this high rise apartment overlooking the sunrise  

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did not go to harvard did not even go to grammar school mom gave me a dictionary said “here,go learn about words” a professional professor fuck you so i learned how to kick a can enter tomorrow

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could not imagine being happier having waited surrounded by isolation hours spent days turning on the sink glass with ice in hand

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imagine spending just one night with bullets and bombs exploding maybe even killing a friend

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