
should the writer be afraid of words.the fire people afraid of water,the junk bond dealer afraid of money.
does the electrician fear for life around electricity.
do pilots wave at flying objects,does the coroner smoke or drink.does the farmer grow pot,does the doctor drink green tea.what does the preacher say to jesus.
meeting buddha under the tree.
did you pay to go to college,did you study music.said you would pay good money to be an adult.all the while,the earth is turning,day is night,dreams of sleeping.just to dream.time to come and go.andy without 15 minutes or art.
you were fishing battery park.why?must not have known about the fish,going home to eat them.
should the mechanic be afraid of motors, the golfer fear the club or ball.who makes the gasoline.
the chef is working arby’s,the simpsons moved in down the is nice here,they pick up the garbage
should the astronomer fear space or the arms dealer.
just put sugar on everything.
there is a window.